One of our newest workshop partners is a company on a mission to craft porcelain tableware that stands the test of time, and creates lasting change to benefit their local community. Felt and Fat takes a personal approach to handcrafted pottery; they have a deep appreciation and love for their home neighborhood of Kensington in Philadelphia, PA, and believe in creating exceptional products for everyone, and high quality employment opportunities for their neighbors too. All of their plates, cups, bowls and vases are not only made to withstand the heavy-use needs of a busy restaurant, but their delightful simplicity is elegant and welcoming enough for the everyday needs of your home. With ethically sourced, handcrafted, and USA-made values that align with our own, we couldn’t be more thrilled to welcome Felt and Fat into the Urban Natural family!

Hands forming a cup on a pottery wheel.

Durable Design And A Personal Touch

What’s in a name? For Felt and Fat, it represents the importance of using good quality materials and thoughtfully crafted art to instill a sense of warmth and comfort. Their name was inspired by mid-century sculptor Joseph Beuys, who often used felt and fat elements in his own work as a personal homage to his time as a World War II soldier when his plane crashed in Crimea, and these same raw materials were used to revive him. Today, Felt and Fat incorporates their own recipes, and a mix of virgin and recycled porcelain clay that’s been domestically sourced. Using a variety of handcrafted techniques depending on what the piece’s design calls for, the clay might then be slip-cast, pressed, jiggered, or thrown on the wheel before being hand-trimmed and bisque fired to 1855 degrees Fahrenheit. This higher temperature helps the pieces last longer, makes them less prone to scratches and chips, and gives them a more durable feel too. After each piece is glazed with an in-house recipe that’s free of lead and other harmful chemicals, it gets re-fired to an even higher heat of 2380 degrees. At the end, they receive a hand-sanding and individual inspection before being shipped in 100% recyclable packaging. 

Handcrafted plates, trays, and vases from Felt + Fat.

Art That’s Defined By People and Place 

Being based in the Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia, PA is another important aspect of what makes Felt and Fat unique. The area was once a thriving manufacturing town that fell on hard times, and eventually became an epicenter of the opioid crisis in our country. Despite this history, or perhaps because of it, Felt and Fat is committed to using their artistic work and employment opportunities to help instill a sense of hope and possibility in their community. They provide well-paying jobs with generous PTO, medical benefits, and a clean and friendly work environment to all their workers. Their team members also proudly represent a wide gamut of the local area’s population, with those who identify across the age and gender spectrum, some who were formerly incarcerated or who are in recovery, an eclectic mix of musicians and former line cooks, and even a pastor! The inclusive culture of their workplace is important to Felt and Fat, and it’s also one of the things that makes them a valuable addition to Kensington, and to the world of pottery craftsmanship as well.

Brightly colored handmade pottery set on a summer table.

Set Your Table

With so many reasons to love this brand, where do you start when choosing a set of their pieces for yourself? Here are a few of our favorites that you can also expect to find in Urban Natural’s offerings as well:

Dinner and Snack Plates 

Crafted with world-class chefs and restaurants in mind, the Felt and Fat dinner and snack plates are some of the most professionally durable options available, while still retaining a sleek elegance and minimalist flair. The thoughtful design is flat to give sauces an even surface, with a subtle angle that makes them easy to carry and stack as well. Their aesthetic is purposefully simple, yet versatile in a way that keeps the focus on the food to allow your meal to really shine.

Share Bowls

Hand-glazed for a unique and personal feel, the share bowls from Felt and Fat are both incredibly functional in design, and appealingly artful to look at. They incorporate a hand-shaped, softer lip to contrast a more utilitarian body that can stand up to everyday use and still impress when friends come for dinner. The ample size of these beautiful bowls is also large enough to present a full savory dish to share, but still personal enough to use as an individual salad or soup bowl. 

Tall And Bud Vases 

With two heights to choose from, these Felt and Fat vases are well-suited to accommodate stems of any size! Their simple shape is intended to showcase artful glazes and beautiful arrangements, while also bringing a sense of sculptural aesthetic to the room. Enjoy them with or without flowers too, because these timeless pieces make an impression all on their own.

We’re excited to include Felt and Fat in our impressive lineup of workshop partners, and look forward to seeing what they create next. Be sure to check out our other furniture and home decor collections, or schedule a complimentary consultation with our expert design team to brainstorm and design your next home renovation or style upgrade project.

June 19, 2023 — Urban Natural Team